
Empowering Tomorrow: Pioneering Open Innovation in Charging Systems and Beyond

Our mission is to co-create the future of charging systems—and beyond—with like-minded partners. Our pioneering efforts in bidirectional technologies, particularly through our flagship V2G DrossOne project, underscore our belief in electric vehicles (EVs) as keystones for energy network flexibility and local energy optimization for consumers and businesses alike.


What is Vehicle to Grid?

What is Vehicle to Grid?

 The V2G (Vehicle to Grid) is a technology that makes charging a two-way exchange, allowing cars to return part of the electricity stored in their batteries to the grid to optimize its operation and alleviate the intermittent availability of renewable energy sources.​
V2G technology powers bi-directional charging, which makes it possible to charge the EV battery and take the energy stored in the car’s battery and push it back to the power grid. There is a difference between bi-directional charging and V2G: while bi-directional charging means two-way charging (charging and discharging), V2G technology only enables the flow of the energy from the car’s battery back to the grid.​

How does it work?

How does it works?

At the heart of V2G systems’ technology is a bidirectional power inverter which connects to the car’s high-voltage battery while simultaneously also connecting to the grid. The device can either take energy from the grid to recharge the battery or provide energy to the grid by taking it from the vehicle’s battery. The flow of energy is managed by a control unit which takes into account the grid operator’s demands or the energy status of the building the car is connected to, fitting this around the recharging schedule the user has set.​

Why should it be important to you?
Why should it be important to you?
V2G helps mitigate climate change by allowing our energy system to balance more and more renewable energy. EV batteries are by far the most cost-efficient form of energy storage since they require no additional investments in hardware. With V2G, we can utilize the battery capacity up to 10x more efficiently than with regular smart charging. Vehicle-to-grid technology enables us to make the best use of the existing population of vehicles.​

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) of fleets and eclectric vehicle for drivers​
Car OEMs (manufacturers) can sell vehicles with added value​
Energy market parties can trade and optimise their balance​
Network operators can optimise investments & stabilise the grid​

Our vision for V2G solutions

Our vision for V2G solutions

Free2move eSolutions' vision for V2G technology is not just about innovative charging solutions. It's about creating a symbiotic relationship between mobility and energy sectors, transforming EVs into dynamic components of the energy ecosystem. We envision a future where every electric vehicle enhances grid resilience, facilitates renewable energy integration, and supports a sustainable, decarbonized economy.​


What are V2H and V2B technologies?

What are V2H and V2B technologies?

Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) and Vehicle-to-Building (V2B) are subsets of the broader Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology, focusing on the use of electric vehicles (EVs) as mobile energy sources for homes and buildings, respectively. These technologies leverage the concept of bidirectional charging to facilitate energy transfer from the EV battery back to a home or building, serving as a backup power source or to optimize energy consumption.

How do they work?

How do they work?

V2H and V2B systems use smart EV charging stations endowed with bidirectional capabilities. This allows them not only to charge an EV but also to draw electricity stored in its battery for use in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings. The process is managed through an intelligent system that considers the building's energy needs, the grid's demand, and the users mobility needs, ensuring a balance between energy consumption, cost savings, and maintaining the EV's battery health.

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Energy Independence: Provides a reliable backup power source during outages, reducing reliance on the grid.​
Cost Savings: Allows homeowners and businesses to cut energy costs by using the EV battery to supply power during peak tariff times.​
Grid Support: Contributes to grid stability by supplying energy during high demand periods or absorbing excess during low demand, facilitating greater integration of renewable energy sources.​
Environmental Impact: Supports the transition to a low-carbon energy system by optimizing the use of renewable energy and reducing overall carbon footprint.

Our vision for V2H and V2B solutions

Our vision for V2H and V2B solutions

We envision V2H and V2B technologies as cornerstones in the development of a more flexible, resilient, and sustainable energy ecosystem. Our goal is to harness the full potential of electric vehicles not just as modes of transportation but as integral components of home and business energy solutions. We are committed to advancing V2H and V2B technologies to empower our customers with greater control over their energy usage, enhance their environmental impact, and pave the way for a future where energy is shared, smart, and sustainable. By integrating these technologies into our offerings, we aim to create a seamless, efficient, and eco-friendly energy management experience for individuals and businesses alike, reinforcing our leadership in innovative charging solutions and our dedication to a greener planet.

Second Life Batteries

What is a Second life battery (SLB)?

What is a Second life battery (SLB)?

Second life batteries emerge from the automotive sector, carrying a residual capacity of 70-80% after their primary use in EVs. These batteries, though no longer suitable for vehicular use, hold significant potential for alternative applications, offering both economic and environmental advantages.

Applications and recycling process

Applications and recycling process

Second Life Batteries (SLBs) find new purpose in stationary energy storage, complementing renewable energy sources and enhancing grid stability. The recycling process involves repurposing batteries for these secondary applications and recovering valuable materials, aligning with sustainability and circular economy principles.

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Maximization of the battery value, by using them while are not use for mobility ​
Mitigation of mineral extraction and an increase in resource conservation, thereby preventing the further depletion of the Earth’s minerals and avoiding energy- and emission-intensive material processing​
Make electric vehicles cheaper because it converts waste disposal costs into residual value, further fostering the energy transition and triggering a virtuous cycle of decarbonization.

Our vision on SLB applications

Our vision on SLB applications

Our commitment to SLB technology is rooted in a vision to revolutionize energy storage and repurposing. We aim to pioneer solutions that extend the lifecycle of EV batteries, promoting a more sustainable and circular economy. By integrating SLBs into our product lineup, we not only contribute to environmental conservation but also enhance the value proposition of EVs and renewable energy systems. Our vision is to lead the way in sustainable innovation, proving that technological advancement and environmental stewardship can go hand in hand.

Contact us for more information

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